XXIII UIA World Congress of Architecture
XXIII UIA World Congress of Architecture
HUB: means a place where people meet and activities being driven and where the movement becomes the essence. Create a place where people can meet. The info-point has been designed taking into account a great deal of flexibility in its use. It can become a place for concerts or area conference or an exhibition hall. This flexibility is made possible by the use of furniture that take on different functional types.
The info-point, made mainly of wood, compositionally is pierced by a large window that goes into creating the exhibition stage covered with a steel skin. The stage can be closed by means of windows. The decision to create a covered area was dictated by the need to create shadows. The building respects the parameters of eco-sustainability having been created entirely from recyclable materials such as wood, glass and steel. The assembly and disassembly of the info-point is done in an easy way thanks to the peculiarity of a system of joints.
The info-point, made mainly of wood, compositionally is pierced by a large window that goes into creating the exhibition stage covered with a steel skin. The stage can be closed by means of windows. The decision to create a covered area was dictated by the need to create shadows. The building respects the parameters of eco-sustainability having been created entirely from recyclable materials such as wood, glass and steel. The assembly and disassembly of the info-point is done in an easy way thanks to the peculiarity of a system of joints.

Castle square

concert lay out

conference lay out

exposition lay out

info-point lay out


place:Piazza Castello ,Torino, IT
project team:Rudy Davi, Federico Traverso, Federico Pellizzari
surface:100 sqm
result:not relevant